Birger Norup

I’m probably the man who knows PlayProp best of all. I’m still fascinated by the many fun and unique experiences that happen every time the game comes on the table. Besides being the Prop-dynamo of the firm, my heart is filled with a vision to make Right Human Relations grow in all parts of the world.

Belinda Donkin

Known as The Heart Lady. Passion for people, relations, making a difference in the world - and having fun at the same time - has always been the core of everything I do in my company HeartTeam. I love the idea behind 'Playing for Good Relations' and the difference working with PlayProp does for the women in the village in West Bengali.

Henrik Lau

The guy responsible for kicking the game out of Birger’s backpack. My son and I had the time of our life, when we were first introduced to PlayProp. Love at first sight. In a packed after ski pub in Italy, taking part in the fun and magical elated atmosphere the game brought to all ages and nationalities - it didn’t take me long to see the potential.

Anders Frandsen

We spend most of our professional time with commercial projects. Over time a personal need emerges to give something back with a pure purpose. This project connects people through fun, but also makes life a little bit better for disadvantaged people. I get a chance to work with a bunch of great people, and a perfect opportunity to do what we at do best at THANK YOU® – building brands and tell stories. I brought home an early version of PlayProp, and it quickly ranked as one of my kids’ favorite games.

Esben Jørgensen

When I played PlayProp the first time, the game was already shaped in terms of system and rules. There was no doubt about the playability and the it had on the people who played it, but the connect experience was missing. It needed a packaging and design that was as fun and unique as the game itself – connected with the good cause and the huge engagement behind the game. I think we managed to do that. Try it – I promise you’ll get a good laugh.

Örn Ólason

Sometimes, you’ll take on a project because its fun. Or because it’s unique. Other times because it’s for a good cause. Usually, the projects you work on hit one or two of those points – but all three? That’s rare and pretty much irresistible, which is exactly how I’d describe PlayProp. It’s simply entertaining, it makes a difference in the world and there’s no other game like it. So, of course we had to work on it. After all, what kind of a creative agency would we be if we didn’t try to tell that story?

Jacob Lindeblad

This game rocks! Seriously, I have never played a game creating a boost of energy like this. It strengthens relationships and you will stand stronger as a group after having played it. I´ve worked as a consultant for many years, and I use it on all occasions. There are so many strong links to positive and great dialogues and competitiveness in the game. If you haven´t played it yet, then get going. You´ll love it.

Vores vision

Playing for Good Relations har som formål at gøre en forskel i verden og at skabe gode relationer mellem mennesker.

Skabe nye projekter

Vi ønsker at skabe en bedre fremtid for udsatte mennesker gennem projekter der kan gøre en forskel.

Bæredygtige materialer

Fokus på bæredygtighed, hvorfor spillet er produceret af genbrugsmaterialer eller bæredygtigt materiale.

Gode relationer

Vi har som formål at gøre en forskel i verden og være med til at skabe gode relationer mellem mennesker.